Saturday, May 19, 2012

Government of Brazil

Executive Branch: The government of Brazil is a Federal Republic. It almost follows the same basic principles of the democracy in the United States. The executive branch is made up of the chief of state and the head of the government. Currently these positions are held by President Dilma Rouseff.  

Legislative Branch: The legislative government is a Bicameral National Congress. The congress is made up of Federal States. There are 81 seats in the congress with 3 members from each state. They reveal districts according to the majority. Each member serves 8 years.  The meeting take place in the capital of Brazil, Brasília.
Judicial Branch: 11 judges appointed for life. Appointed by the standing president and approved by congress. Judges are made to retire by the age of 70

Analysis: Brazil is a very democratic government. It allows the people a lot of power. It's government is based off the national constitution. The Brazillian government goes as far as to mandate that everyone over 18 be required to vote. At first Brazil was a monarch. Then the country transitioned to a constitutional monarchy. A military coup then kicked out the king and took power of brazil. Finally a democratic party won in the 1950's and now Brazil is democtratic.

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